A.I. Powered Dentistry

Try Okare Workflow, the only intraoral photography platform that automatically extracts periodontal findings in under 10 seconds.

Our vision

Optimizing the utility of oral photographs to help dentist make informed treatment decisions and improve patient care.

A snapshot of your patients’ oral health

Securely upload intraoral photographs to our central server where they can be viewed and retrieved at any time.

Make informed treatment decisions

Detect and monitor oral issues automatically, giving you a comprehensive assessment that can help inform treatment decisions.

Fully integrate imaging equipment

Easily integrate your existing imaging equipment such as smartphones, intraoral scanners and DSLR cameras.

online Platform. Easy Integration.
Superior oral Care.

Okare Workflow is a web-based platform that can be accessed from any location. It contains the most efficient and accurate models on the market, all designed and tailored for dentistry needs.

Our suite of AI tools automatically:

  • Identify periodontal disease, by analysing gum tissue pixel-by-pixel to give a detailed picture of your patients’ oral health.
  • Detect and measure enamel staining.
  • Track progress over time by keeping all your data in one secure location.

Why You Need Dental Photography

Increase uptake of treatment plans

Patients become more aware of the need for treatment when you can “show and tell”.

Legal safeguard

Keep photographic records as
a vital medico-legal safeguard which keep your practice in check.

Robust dental claim submissions

Get dental claims approved the first time through robust photographic documentation.

Increase patient understanding

One picture is worth a thousand words in some difficult to understand cases.

Teaching aid

Produce materials for your clinic that can be used to train new personnel.

Illustrative clinical history

Facilitate future consultations about past treatments by keeping well documented records.

About Us

Experts in the field of AI and dentistry

We have curated the best talent from Canada and the UK, to research and develop tools that have real-world impact. We also partner with dental experts from the University of Toronto to ensure everything we build is verified and validated on data from real patients.

We are growing our team and encourage you to reach out if our goals align and you would like to learn more.

With Respect To Each Customer

We Appreciate Clients

And Their Business